What is DKV?

What is DKV?

DKV is a branch of design science that studies the concept of communication through various media which can be in the form of images, typesetting, video, interactive media, and other visual media so that the ideas conveyed can be well received, more interesting, or in accordance with other needs when received. by the message recipient. The above statement is in line with the opinion of Kusrianto (2007, p. 2) who believes that DKV is a scientific discipline that aims to study communication concepts and creative expressions through various media to convey messages and ideas visually by managing graphic elements in the form of shapes and images, letter order, as well as color composition and layout (layout/appearance). In this way the idea can be accepted by the person or group who is the target recipient of the message.

History of Visual Communication Design
Before it was known as Visual Communication Design (DKV), this field was known as graphic design. However, as time goes by, the scope of graphic design terms that are only image-oriented is considered increasingly less relevant, considering the increasingly diverse media used in the field, such as video billboards, websites, interactive media, etc.

The term DKV emerged when graphic design increasingly came into contact with digital technology. The increasingly rapid development of technology influences the growing need for new designs that are not only applied to printed or static media. But it also extends to information media and digital interactive media which requires skills in the field of visual communication in general.

Graphic design does not only concern graphic elements anymore, so Supriyono (2010, p. 9) believes that the term Visual Communication Design is considered to be more able to accommodate the increasingly widespread development of graphic design. Communication design is a subdiscipline of design that focuses on conveying information to the public through any media, not just print media.

DKV is a saga of graphic design that has traveled a long way from around the 1400s, when a German scientist invented the printing press. Supriyono (2010) revealed that the origins of graphic design cannot be separated from the role of Johannes Guttenberg (1400-1468), a German scientist who invented the printing press.

Guttenberg is called the father of graphic design, which means he is the father of visual communication design as well. It is clear why he is given this title. The printing press created the need for new disciplines to hone the ability to create graphic designs.

Now, graphic design has become a sub-discipline of DKV which specifically focuses on studying communication design using illustrative images or other static two-dimensional works. Furthermore, because DKV is a more general term and can accommodate many sub-fields, we must know how broad the scope or scope of visual communication design is.

Scope of Visual Communication Design
Visual communication designers mostly work based on the needs directed by the client, so he cannot do whatever he wants when determining size, media, color, technique and material. We can find DKV products or works everywhere in our daily lives, such as advertisements (printed or electronic mass media), internet, posters, signboards, catalogues, brochures, business cards, packaging, billboards and animations and so on. Following are some of the scopes of DKV.

  • Advertising Design (Advertising); persuasive visual communication that must be applied.
  • Business Identity Design (Corporate Identity); logos, letterheads, brand books, even social media backgrounds and identity kits.
  • Environmental Marking Design (Environment Graphics); Exterior and interior environmental markers are everywhere, be it in malls, universities, hospitals and other public facilities.
  • Multimedia Design; used in printing companies such as making banners, backdrops, stickers, even megatrons (video billboards), etc.
  • Industrial Graphic Design; Product packaging.
  • Media Graphic Design; books, newspapers, magazines, etc. Usually this is done in publishing or editorial work.
  • Picture Stories (comics); Static media that can provide a narrative that is lighter and easier to follow than other print media.
  • Photography; It is a large industry and has many connections with other design fields.
  • Videography; Moving images complete with audio are much needed in all industries today.
  • Illustration; As additional context and complement to information.
  • Animation; One of the most complete media as a means of visual communication, it requires high dedication and teamwork from various scientific disciplines to make it happen, and so on.

DKV Science Branch
Because there is a large scope that must be covered by Visual Communication Design, a more focused concentration is also needed. The distribution of DKV concentrations usually consists of:

  • Graphic Design
  • Multimedia Design
  • Photography
  • Videography
  • Game Design

Functions and Objectives of Visual Communication Design (DKV)
In its development over several centuries, according to Cenadi (1999, p. 4) visual communication design has three basic functions, namely as follows.

  1. Means of Identification
    Corporate identity can express the company’s message and ideas. Likewise, the product must have an identity that reflects the selling value and quality of the product. So that the product is easily recognized and has a good image which will have an impact on sales figures. Consumers will prefer to buy mineral water by mentioning brand A rather than just saying they buy mineral water, if the product identity is well established.
  2. Information and Instruction Facilities
    Information and instruction tools include: Maps, diagrams, symbols, infographics and directions. Messages will be considered useful if they are delivered to the right communicant and under the right conditions, also in a form that is easy to understand. Then, presented logically and consistently. For example, such as traffic signs and signs, symbols for public telephones, toilets, restaurants and others which are informative and communicative, and easy to read by people from various different backgrounds. So, this visual communication must be universal.
  3. Presentation and Promotion Facilities
    We can see the purpose of presentation and promotion tools when entrepreneurs distribute pamphlets or posters as promotions to provide information that there are products that can be used by consumers. Short, clear and concise will be easy for readers to remember. Generally, to achieve this goal, the message conveyed must be persuasive and interesting.

So how do you design a visual communication design that suits its function? Of course, by applying various theories and practical modules studied in the DKV field of study.

What do you learn in the DKV field of study?
Design sciences, fine arts, communication sciences, creative creation management, and other professional technical practices from the field of visual communication design. Some of the basics of DKV that will be studied are: Nirmana 2d (sometimes called: basic form 2d), nirmana 3d, communication processes, use of graphics processing applications, etc.

One of the basics that will be studied first is getting to know the various smallest elements that make up a work of visual communication design. These elements will be studied in Nirmana or Basic Rupa. Apart from that, various technical skills such as drawing models, drawing illustrations, etc. usually still fill the initial semester in the DKV field of study.

Kusrianto, (2007). Introduction to Visual Communication Design. Yogyakarta: Andi Offset
Cenadi, Christine Suharto. (1999). Elements in Visual Communication Design. Jakarta: UKP
Jefkins, Frank. (1997). Advertising. Jakarta: Erlangga
Wirya, Iwan. (1999). Packaging that Sells. Jakarta : PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Source: DKV Is? What is DKV? Find Out 5 Things in This Department What to Do! (portaldekave.com)

Since October 2022

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